Tuesday, July 04, 2006

BY DAVE: UV Mapped Head

Or... how I spent my 4th of July.

My wife had to work on the 4th, so rather than blowing digits off of my hand, I stayed in and worked on my Green Head.

Low-poly on right, smoothed out Sub-D on left.

I've still got some stretching in places for sure, but the front face is looking pretty good, and that is what is really important. Plus I feel pretty good about getting this far, since it felt like I was mapping this out in a warzone. My neighborhood went nuts, lighting off fireworks from 3 hours before night fall, right up (and I'm sure beyond) when this was typed.

I'll try and clean up the UVs a bit more and then I'm going to run through a DVD on texture creation. It claims to offer some great advice on painting the human face, so I want to see if it can provide any tips for this head.

Once I have any kind of update, I'll post it here.

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