Tuesday, July 25, 2006

BY DAVE: I Give You... Monkey

There is certainly more I could have done to him, and I never got quite finished with his textures, but it's time I move on for now. I may revisit Monkey at some point, and I think next I'll model a dog for him (no, it won't be Sid).

I hope you like him. He sure likes beer... no wait... he sure likes you.

EDIT: And because the ladies in the audience demanded it...

I guess it's true what ZZ Top said...

Every girl is in fact crazy about a bald, cashew-shaped, overweight, alcoholic, shirtless man.


Anonymous said...

The lighting looks different? And his pupils are two different sizes. But I enjoy... The topless one also needs to show a rear view with a "plumbers crack" to really look good.

Dave Johnson said...

Yes, the lighting is different. In a good or bad way though? I prefer this lighting to the old one, even though I couldn't quite figure out what the hell is going on with the shadow on his shirt.

As for the pupils, they are the exact same size, but I closed one eyelid just a bit more to make him look a bit drunk.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't a bad thing with the lighting. I was just making sure I wasn't crazy. The top one lookes to dark.