Saturday, July 15, 2006

BY DAVE: A Much Less Offensive Monkey

I decided that I just couldn't stand not having pants for Monkey, so I modeled him some clothes. As you can see, he's now got a snazzy tank top, fresh new pair of pants and some of the most shiny shoes money can buy.

I know that last time (which was only two days ago) I said that you probably shouldn't expect another Monkey update for a while, so I won't say that again.

Oh... and to all the ladies out there, Monkey is single.

EDIT: I posed him a bit (though there is no bone system in place), textured his shirt, and gave him an untextured can of what most likely isn't soda.

He looks really stiff, but without bones, it's tough to do much with him. I'm hoping to get some kind of bone system in him over the next month or two.


Anonymous said...

Lookin' good.

My only gripe is that the word "monkey" looks like it's just fonted on. Not like it is part of the shirt.

Dave Johnson said...

I understand what you mean. The shirt doesn't have any kind of specular map (or bump for that matter on it), so that will help some, as well as once I get the final lighting in place.
