Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Blur's Warhammer Online Trailer

Those crazy folks over at Blur Studio have made themselves quite a nice little trailer for the upcoming "Warhammer Online" game. For those of you who don't know, "Warhammer Online" happens to be one of those MMORPG-FYI-BRB-BYOB things, and it's shaping up to be pretty amazing.

While the rough versions of the trailer have been floating around the net for a couple of months now, this is the final polished version. From what I understand, it took the team an extra two months just to get the lip-licking closeup nailed down.

It was totally worth it.

Honestly though, it's a great trailer and worth taking a look at. I love the fact that it's a serious trailer, yet Blur managed to squeeze in some humor with things like the wall scene.

Warhammer Trailer - Final Version


Anonymous said...

That looks like Thanksgiving day in my household.

The animations were kinda sweet.

Dave, why can't you do things like that?

Dave Johnson said...

Ha... that's sort of like looking at a guy in a music shop who is holding a guitar for the first time and saying to him, "You hear that on the radio? That's Hendrix. Why can't you play like him?"

I'll get there, but it's going to take some time. Check back in a few years an we'll talk! ;)