Saturday, August 26, 2006

Blogger Downtime

Blogger has been rough this past week. I managed to piece together a couple of stories, but from about Wednesday morning on through Friday, was met with "Page Cannot Be Displayed" errors and images that wouldn't upload. Luckily this was a slow news week, so it didn't really matter, other than the George Schermer 10 Quick that I really wanted to post. I tried on multiple occasions to do this, but anytime I tried to upload the multiple images for the blog entry, the blogger system would choke.

Not only that, but it must have been just the server that this blog resides on, because I could post just fine to my 2D Blog.

It seems to be better now, so let's plan on that 10 Quick going up first thing Monday morning.

Sorry to George and everyone else for the delay!

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