Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Hammy's Bommerang Adventure Review

A new "mini movie" called, "Hammy's Boomerang Adventure" was included with the release of "Over the Hedge" on DVD.

First let me say that by "mini," they really do mean mini. I didn't time the film, but I can't guess it's more than three or four minutes long at very most. I'm fine with a four minute short, as long as it's four quality minutes, which this one unfortunately is not.

Without giving too much of the short away, I will say that the best part is simply watching the minute or so where Hammy interacts with the boomerang. Even this section of the short, while having it's moments, fails to deliver the solid punch of other 3D shorts of similar nature. It's sometimes good, but it's never great.

Yes, I know it's a short and it's not meant to be amazing. Yes, I know I should be happy with any additional content at all, and I am. It's not a bad short, and the animation and art, as with the full film are top notch. It just isn't a strong enough premise. I may revisit it again after I've watched the full feature a time or two, but otherwise this is a somewhat forgettable short that's bundled with an otherwise great film. It's solid, but not stupendous.

One additional gripe is that, the "First Flight" short was not included with the DVD, despite it showing before "Hedge" in various theaters at the time of release. This may have taken some of the sting away from a slightly sub-par Hammy mini.

I'd love to hear what those of you that have seen the short think about it in the comments section!

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