Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Dead Man's Chest on DVD Today!

What do we do here at Bleeding Pixels on a slow news day? We let you know that "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" is out on DVD today!

While it doesn't have any of the type of 3D Animation that we normally cover here on Bleeding Pixels, "DMC" is packed full of CG to make your head swim as you try to figure out whether the scene you just saw was real or made entirely with a computer (or two).

I remember the scene where the guy with a seashell for a head gets it cut off and his seashell head is lying in the grass and his body comes and picks it up and runs off through the jungle. I looked at my wife in the theater and said, "Do you think that really happened, or do you think they did that with computers?" My wife then moved three seats to her left and sat with a big dumb jock, later telling me that if she was going to sit next to an idiot he might as well at least have big muscles.

Swing over to DVDActive to get the info on what extras will be included on "DMC," and make sure you head out to your local shop today to pick it up!

DVDActive's "Dead Man's Chest" DVD Info

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