Monday, November 19, 2007

I AM...

...not going to see "Beowulf."

Yes, I know the film is getting good reviews. Yes, I know it's a "technical masterpiece." Yes, I know it's the first CG film in a long time that doesn't center around talking animals and/or insects.

I'm not going to see it.

I know I sound like a big animation snob, and I'll probably rent it on DVD, but I just can't allow myself to go see a mo-cap film. If you saw it and you liked it, good for you. That being said, I really hope it bombs at the box office. Not because I want to see anyone's work fail, but simply because it only takes on hit like this (and Happy Feet) to make movie studios everywhere decide that this is the way to go and that they don't need all of those snot-nosed "animators."

Maybe I'll give it a rent on DVD, maybe not. I won't fault you for going to see it, but if you want to try to convince me that it's the best thing since sliced bread, you've got another thing coming.


Anonymous said...

So Dave, you mention that you love Brad Bird and more specifically Ratatouille...I'm sorry I just don't share your enthusiasm...oh, I haven't seen Ratatouille, see, I just don't care for Rats, or the color brown, so I know it's not a good film. But, "Maybe I'll give it a rent on DVD, maybe not. I won't fault you for going to see it, but if you want to try to convince me that it's the best thing since sliced bread, you've got another thing coming."

Uh, can you imagine a creative person with this elitist attitude...pretty silly, don't ya think?

I remember guys like you a few years back, when 3D came screamin' down the coast...and before them, the Black & White guys refusing to see Color. Look, nobody's twisting your arm, here...just respectfully, holding up a nice little vanity mirror.

By the way, all the best with the new baby...parenthood makes the blog world and snippy little commentators like me, seem quite trivial...especially when you're trying to type with Desenex on your fingers. :) Cheers.

Dave Johnson said...

If you had seen two of Brad Bird's films and not liked them, your comparison might hold up. You see... I've seen "Monster House" and I've seen that creepy Tom Hanks train movie, and I work in games and have seen a million mo-cap animations. They all look creepy and lifeless and "off." So I think I've got plenty to go on when it comes to not seeing Beowulf.

3D animation is still just that... animation. It requires a different set of skills from 2D animation (and shares others), but I've been in a mo-cap studio. It requires little balls on a suit and some actors. Sure you've got performance in that sense, but you either have to wind up re-animating the entire thing by hand (as most scenes were in Happy Feet), or you're stuck with two or three takes.

I do thank you for the comment and the well wishes on the little one. I've got a thick skin, so give it to me all day long if you must... I most likely deserve it. ;)

Anonymous said...

Well, I have seen Brad Bird's films...loved The Incredibles", liked "Iron Giant" and brace yourself, thought Ratatouille was quite dull...pretty, but a little to esoteris, for me, especially when I'm holding my 5 year old on my lap, as she ponders things like "DNA" a Pixar film? Kids all over the theater were restless and/or asleep...same thing with "Cars", and that's where my recent disconnect with Pixar began. As is their right, they have begun making films that skew much older than their earlier efforts, (TS1, TS2, Monsters, Nemo, etc.) all of which I am a HUGE fan of. But, they made these films when they all had young they don't...and the films they're making and have in the pipeline reflect that. It's a very natural progression in film making...I just think they've lost something along the way...great film making, just not the same. But, I do see's my business, my duty. So, yes, I am very aware of every thing Brad Bird has done, just not enjoying the work as much. BTW, I love "Polar Express", we consider it a Christmas classic in my house, I love the look so many animators's nice to see something has character, in my opinion. "Monster House" was a lot of fun...not perfect, but fun. You should know that my perspective is from that of a working feature animation writer...not an animator. I could care less if somebody is wearing dots in a wet suit, or if a guy was making faces in the mirror and coping his movements. It's all what's on the screen for me. I respect ALL artists. With that, I'm off to bed...Happy Thanksgiving to you and your enlarging family! Bob