Monday, November 12, 2007

Academy Award Nominees

EDIT: As Jason was kind enough to point out in the comments, this list is not the actual nominees, but the "short list" of hopefuls looking to be included in final nominations. So I'm an idiot. That being said, the post still stands, as frankly I don't think the films that I refer to below even belong on a "long list," let alone a "short list."

That Sesame Street song comes to mind and I begin to sing "Which one of these is not like the other ones, not like the other ones, not like the other ones..."

While I never like to directly bag on the hard work of artists, regardless of what they may need to do to pay the bills, it's pretty obvious that certain films in this year's list of hopefuls were submitted simply because they were animated, and not because they deserve the award.

Listen... I like hotdogs as much as I like a good $60 steak, given the right circumstances, but I wouldn't expect my Oscar Meyer cheese-stuffed wieners to compete for a food award with a steak I can cut with my own hand. In the same manner, while some of the films in the list may be great for college kids sucking on a bong and eating Cheetos, or a Mom or Dad to bring their kids to see, they really can't compare on a pure filmmaking level to some of the other nominees.

To put it a different way, you don't go into a diamond store and find a couple of cat turds in the case next to the tennis bracelets and earrings.

All this being said, one of those turds will probably wind up winning and then I'll look like an (even bigger) idiot.

Oh... and if you're wondering, here is the list of nominees:

Alvin and the Chipmunks
Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters
Bee Movie
Meet the Robinsons
Shrek the Third
The Simpsons Movie
Surf’s Up

I'm off to eat now... suddenly I've got a craving for a hotdog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wait thats gotta be the short list... not the nominations. There are usually only 4-5 Noms. After the short list they vote it down to the noms.

Correct me if I'm wrong. :O)
