Thursday, August 23, 2007

Donkey Xote Trailer

I had never heard of filmax or "Donkey Xote" until today, but the former has released a trailer for the latter.

The trailer looks decent, but I guess I expected more from a company whose previous films include such blockbusters as "Pinocho 3000" and...

You know what? I was just looking at the company's website trying to find lame movie titles to make a smartass comment, and now I see that "Donkey Xote" was released last year. So I guess that sort of backfired on me, as I'm posting a news item about a film that's been out for some time now. Heck... the trailer could have been out for two years now for all I know.

Good thing I didn't go with the "Shrek the Third" ripoff joke I had planned...

UPDATE: In doing some more poking around on the website, now I think the film is still in production. I'm so confused now. I'm reminded of the time when my wife put a blanket over my head and it took me an hour to find a way out.

Oh... and just so we're clear, I didn't misspell "Pinocchio" in "Pinocho 3000." I think that's how it's spelled in Spanish.

Donkey Xote Trailer

Donkey Xote Website

RE-Animation Blog

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey dude, I just found this post on google trying to find a trailer for Donkey Xote. Your freaking hilerious!

Thanks for the laughs :)

Greetings from sweden!