Monday, October 22, 2007

Emergency surgery is fun!

I had to have emergency surgery on my stomach this past Tuesady, and what a heap of fun that was!

Updates will continue once I'm feeling a bit better. I'm back at home now, but I'm still pretty drugged.

I'll be right as rain in no time at all, so don't worry your pretty little heads one bit!


Anonymous said...

Ouch, what for?

Whishing you a good old bite of healthy healing.
I knew you liked that stuff! Now all you need to do is start singing 'I believe I can fly...' ;)

Boki - regular reader

Dave Johnson said...

I had something the doctor's call a "blocked bowel." What that normally means is that you don't chew your food well enough, and it gets all clumped up in your lower intestine and causes horrible pain, and can lead to your intestine splitting open, which could spill nasty stuff into the body.

In my case, it was caused by scar tissue from a previous surgery that had built up and narrowed the opening from my intestine to my colon to the size of a pencil. Meaning anything bigger than that wasn't going to make it through.

So my mild stomach cramps quickly became put-me-on-the-floor-in-the-fetal-position cramps, and I had to be rushed to the ER, where fun times were had by all!

Thanks for asking and for reading! Though after this explination, you're probably sorry that you did either.

Anonymous said...

Umm... yeah... lol
I kinda am... But I'm glad it's not something worse. Sounds like it's not too critical. You'll be up-and-running in no time.

Take it easy, and get better mate. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

I think you're trying waaay to hard to relate to the experience Tessa will be having soon!
I'm super happy about the new Dog Complex strips. Printed out, on the wall, hooray!
Take care, and get well really soon, ok??!

Peter Crouch said...

One only needs to read some of the previous posts to find the *real* cause of this emergency surgery, and I quote "I also ... drink motor oil with lunch."

Glad to hear you made it mate.