Thursday, October 11, 2007

Team Fortress 2 is out and awesome!

Bleeding Pixels normally doesn't cover games too often, but when it's a game like Valve's awesome "Team Fortress 2," you sort of have to stand up and take notice.

Having played the game all last night on my Xbox 360, I can safely say that I'm addicted. The game is so simplistic in nature, and yet so deep in terms of the classes that it's going to take a long time for me to tire of the game.

Not only that, but it just looks amazing. The taunt animations, the cartoon feel, the color palette (simple on purpose)... all lend to the gameplay in one form or another. It's all done with a purpose, and it all combines to make a beautiful package.

This would all be well and good, but TF2 is really just a small part of "The Orange Box," which contains "Half Life 2" and Episodes 1 & 2 for the game, "Portal" and "Team Fortress 2," all for the price of a single game.

So fire it up and look me up (gamertag = dajohns).

Just be aware... when playing against me, I'll probably be on my couch, not wearing any pants.


Jamaal Bradley said...

are you playing on PC or Xbox.. there is also a newer group shot

Dave Johnson said...

I'm playing on the 360. If you've got a link to the new shot, I'll gladly post it.

Take care, Jamaal.