Friday, December 15, 2006

The Wind Has Finally Stopped

Last night we here in the Seattle area (and surrounding states) were hit with a horrible storm that brought with it flooding and wind gusts as high as 90mph on the coast (60mph inland). Power finally came back on at around 9:30am this morning, after being out since around midnight.

My wife and I were very lucky in that we are safe and suffered no real damage to our property. However, people lost their lives, homes were destroyed by massive trees that couldn't stand up to the abnormal wind, and thousands are still without power. It's a horrible mess to say the least.

Needless to say, I won't be updating the blog until late this afternoon, if at all. I'll try to get something up over the weekend, but you should expect normal updates to return on Monday. I apologize for two delays in posting in one week, but I hope you can understand.

Thank you.

CNN's Coverage of the Storm

1 comment:

Lightyear said...

Lightyear, France

j'espère que cela ira mieux maintenant et que les choses rentreront dans l'ordre tres bientôt.

merci pour les infos ...