Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Animating Interrupts Animation Blog

EDIT #2: The link to my progress reel has now been fixed. Thank you to all none of you that let me know about that.

EDIT: As promised, here is my completed progress reel for my very first class at Animation Mentor.

Dave's Animation Mentor Class 1 Progress Reel

Original Post:

Sorry for the lack of update(s) today. I'm currently hammering on my final animation for my very first quarter at Animation Mentor.

Having just completed my first quarter (or at least I will have by Friday), I can safely say that, at least so far, Animation Mentor is worth every penny. To take a step back for a moment and think about all of the things I've learned in one short quarter makes me quite excited about what's to come at "The Ment."

If you, or anyone you know, is considering a career in animation, I can't recommend AM enough to you. In my class there are people currently working in animation (film as well as games), and others attending very well known schools such as the Academy of Art University. Everyone seems to agree that AM matches, and in most cases exceeds, any training they've received so far.

So if you've got the desire to be an animator... make sure you give AM a look.

I'll post my progress reel for you sometime this week, as well as the normal crappy blog updates you've come to expect here on Bleeding Pixels.

The Animation Mentor Website

The Website of My Class 1 Mentor, Ray Chase


Anonymous said...

Nice work dude!
And I bet you had a killer time with Ray :-)

Dave Johnson said...

Yes, I had a blast with Mr. Chase. He taught me quite a bit in a short amount of time, and has himself a nice little eagle eye (still have no idea how he can see one "off" frame, but he can).