Thursday, February 14, 2008

Clone Bores

See what I did there? I made a joke about Lucasfilm's upcoming "Clone Wars" movie.

You guys know I hate bagging on anything, because I know that there are quite often projects where, due to things like schedules and budgets, some very talented people have their abilities totally nerfed, resulting in a horrible end product.

That being said, this trailer for "The Clone Wars" looks bad. I mean, even if I were a massive Star Wars fan, I don't see how I could be excited for this. Watching the trailer, it struck me as odd that R2-D2 has the most expressive face in the entire thing.

I don't know if additional footage can change my mind, but this trailer left a nasty taste in my mouth for sure.

Then again, maybe it's the tuna salad I had for lunch.

Star Wars Clone Wars Trailer

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