Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Blur Studios Interview

There is a great interview up with Blur Studios over at It's Art Magazine.

This of course had to be my favorite question from the entire article:

J.L.- Of course, I must say the girl’s boobs in 'A Gentlemen's Duel', are excellent! Who is responsible for such cartoony delight, Sze Jones perhaps?

B.S. - YES! Sze Jones is a fabulous character modeler and supervisor. She is extremely talented and passionate about her female models. She leads a team of very devoted character modelers here at Blur and we believe they are all quite enamored with large boobies. Of course, the animation of the breasts was a key factor.

You don't get that kind of hard-hitting journalism just anywhere!

It's Art Magazine's Interview with Blur Studios

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