Friday, February 08, 2008

WALL-E Trailer!

UPDATE: Well, it was fun while it lasted. The video has been removed by Disney. Had I known, I honestly wouldn't have posted it in the first place. So if you still want to see it, I'm sure the trailer will be released officially in the near future.

Sorry about that.

I'm going to post this trailer for Pixar's "WALL-E," because I believe it to be legitimately posted on the web by Walt Disney Pictures.

However there is a small chance that it's been bootlegged or something, and if I find that to be the case, I'll be removing it, so watch it while you can!

Trust me... it's worth it.

1 comment:

starseneyes said...

Thank you so much for putting this up. Since the very first teaser, I have been in love with WALL E. This is so adorable! I cannot wait!