Thursday, November 30, 2006

Certus Pork Commercials

The RE-Animation Blog has posted some really cute commercials for a pork company.

I find that it helps if I can put a personality with the food that I'm shoveling in my mouth. Eating can get so boring day after day, but if I think to myself, "Hey... this slab of greasy bacon is probably from the butt of that one pig that was kissing the arm of that other pig on the boat in Venice. He sure was cute, and it was obvious he was totally in love with the other pig. They probably would have made a great couple and led very happy lives together until they died of old age if they hadn't been butchered and put in my frying pan," it makes my dining experience much more enjoyable.

I love bacon.

RE-Animation's Links to the Certus Pork Commercials

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