Friday, September 01, 2006

Viva Pinata!

Sometimes you are working on a project and you don't even realize what exactly it is until you take a step back.

Case in point:

I run a blog about 3D Animation or 3D Cartoons as some might call them. All the while at my day job I've been working on a game called "Viva Pinata," which also happens to have a 3D Saturday morning cartoon that began airing this past week. However in all this time I never thought, "Hey... I should post about the 3D Cartoon for the game I'm working on!"

I'm dumb.

It's a great little cartoon, with some decent animation done by the folks over at 4Kids TV. Check out the first "webisode" here, which you can also download (along with 3 others) on the Xbox Live Marketplace.

I can't really speak about the game too much, as it's still in development, but you'll be able to get your hands on it soon enough. Until then, make sure you check out the cartoon with your kids this Saturday!

4Kids TV Viva Pinata Site
Viva Pinata Website

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I caught this over the weekend. It's an interesting litle cartoon. I'm still skeptical about the idea of living breathing pinatas...

But I guess that have to come from somewhere. Who knew they were plucked from pinata farms.