- 53%
(Scores via Rotten Tomatoes. Click on score for reviews.)
Upcoming Theatrical Releases
Horton Hears a Who!
Kung Fu Panda
Madagascar: The Crate Escape
Astro Boy
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs
Monsters vs Aliens
How to Train Your Dragon
Hotel Transylvania
Shrek 4
Puss In Boots
Toy Story 3
Master Mind
Upcoming DVD Releases
Bee Movie (03/11/08)
"10 Quick" is a feature here on 3Dave.com where we feature 10 Quick Questions, or "10 Quick," with artists currently working in the industry. If you're such an artist, or you know someone who might like to participate, have them get in touch with Dave!
10 Quick interviews will be posted every Thursday, as long as Dave can talk someone into answering his silly questions!